Margaret Ward

Co-Convenor, Australian Network for Universal Housing Design


Originally trained as an architect, Margaret Ward has been an advocate, public servant and service provider in the areas of housing and disability. Margaret has spent much of her career working towards the adoption of housing design which includes everyone regardless of age, circumstance and ability. Margaret was awarded the Public Service Medal in 1996 for exceptional service to people with disability and housing.

Margaret co-convenes Australian Network for Universal Housing Design, which sought the regulation of access features in all new housing construction through the National Construction Code. This was achieved in April 2021, with the majority decision by the Building Ministers to mandate Livable Housing Design silver level standard in all new housing and to provide gold level standard as a voluntary option.

Over two decades, Margaret assisted her sister-in-law and daughter, both of whom had severe disabilities, to find, establish and live successfully in homes of their own in their communities. She witnessed how well-designed housing assisted them both to live full, inclusive lives connected to their family and friends.

Margaret completed her doctoral thesis in 2013 on the logics of the housing industry with regard to universal design, social inclusion and regulation.

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