Professor Julie Willis



Julie Willis is a Professor of Architecture and Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Building & Planning. She is an authority on the history of Australian architecture 1890-1950 and has undertaken significant projects researching the development of modern hospital architecture fin Australia; the importance of public buildings in community, civic and national identity; architecture during wartime and its subsequent impact on practice and production; and equity and diversity in the Australian architecture profession. Her current research includes writing a new short history of Australian architecture; the transmission and translation of architectural knowledge through professional networks in architecture; and the design of hospitals and their positive effect on patient wellbeing. She has an extensive publication record, including books, book chapters, journal articles, conference papers and articles in professional journals, and a substantial record of attracting national competitive grant funding. She has received multiple awards for her scholarship, twice winning the Australian Institute of Architects Bates Smart Award for architecture in the media. Major works include the Encyclopedia of Australian Architecture (Cambridge University Press, 2012) and the recently published edited collection Designing School: Space, Place and Pedagogy (Routledge, 2017).

Professor Willis is past editor of the refereed journal Fabrications, now a member of its editorial board, a member of the Advisory Board of Architectural Theory Review and editorial board member of The Conversation. She regularly reviews papers for journals and conferences and is an assessor for the Australian Research Council, including being a member of the ARC College of Experts 2013-15 where she served as both Deputy Chair and Chair for its selection panels.

From 2013-16, she was Pro Vice Chancellor (Research Capability) at the University of Melbourne which included overseeing research audit and reporting, responsibility for the research performance of the University and oversight of research ethics and integrity, academic performance settings and internal grant schemes.

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