Guidance on ESS Questions

This page offers descriptors and tactics, framed around the ESS questions, for you to consider for subject development.

The End Subject Survey (ESS) seeks students’ perceptions of their learning experiences in subjects taught at the University of Melbourne. Approved by the Academic Board, these instruments assist in the continuous quality improvement process for subjects.

The sections below align with the ESS questions. The page associated with each question contains descriptors and tactics to consider, drawing on current research and relating to BEL+T's DIAgram. Together, this framework offers a shared language and clear challenges. To help communicate subject changes to students, BEL+T has produced a Subject Updates table - this is available for subject coordinators to populate and share via Canvas.

There are many existing ways to gain feedback from your students about their learning during the semester (student reps, informal chats, emails …). In addition, the University has developed the Mid Subject Survey (MSS).  This survey can be offered to students via your subject Canvas page at any point during the semester.  Results and student responses are immediately available and confidential to the Canvas site.

Sample Subject Updates Table