Architectural pedagogy and sustainable development goals: Recent practices and experiences

The Archnet-IJAR (International Journal of Architectural Research), an interdisciplinary scholarly journal of architecture, urban design and planning has announced a call for contributions of articles for a special issue titled 'Architectural Pedagogy and Sustainable Development Goals: Recent Practices and Experiences'.

Focused primarily on selected United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that relate to the education of architects and urbanists, this special issue aims to bridge traditional boundaries between arts, humanities, and social and environmental sciences, and between research, professional practice and policy.  Emphasis will be placed on analysing three priority SDGs from a social perspective and their place in architectural pedagogy. The SDGs are Quality Education (SDG4), Good Health and Well-being (SDG3) and Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG11).

This special issue is asking academics and relevant stakeholders involved in built environment higher education three significant questions:

1. How can architectural pedagogy contribute to the overall quality of higher education?

2. What is the place of good health and well-being in architectural pedagogy?

3. Has social sustainability, as an integral element of creating sustainable cities and communities, reached architectural education?

If your scholarly research and/or practice relates to any of these three key areas, consider submitting an article. The Archnet-IJAR special issue homepage contains more information about the process and details of submission, as well as the scope and aim of the issue.

If you are seeking to conduct a Scholarship of Learning and Teaching research project with a focus on ESD (Environmentally Sustainable Design) and the aforementioned themes, please do feel free to contact BEL+T. We would love to discuss potential venues, methods and collaboration opportunities.

The timeline of paper submissions to consider is as follows:

  • Call/announcement of the special issue (2nd May 2022)
  • Submission closing date (1st November 2022)
  • Review and acceptance (1st November 2022 to 1st April 2023)
  • Production (1st April – 15th June 2023)
  • Issue published (volume 17, Issue 2, June 2023)