ASCILITE call for educational technology and practice exemplars

ASCILITE’s Contextualising Horizon Initiatives aims to identify educational technologies and practices that will have significant impacts on Australasian tertiary education.

As part of this work, ASCILITE are seeking nominations for exemplars of educational technology and practice trends. Themes may include, but are not limited to:

  • Hybrid and Flexible Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence Literacy
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Evolution of Mobile Learning
  • Integration of Indigenous Knowledge

If you are interest in nomination a colleague, or lodging a self-nomination, please complete the Exemplars Nomination Form. As part of this form, you will be asked to provide contact details and a brief overview (350 words) of the nominated case study. The deadline to nominate is 16 June 2023.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal and would like feedback on your proposal, please reach out to BEL+T at