Pedagogies for a Broken World, Journal of Architectural Education's Call for Papers

Image for Pedagogies for a Broken World, Journal of Architectural Education's Call for Papers

The Journal of Architectural Education has issued a call for papers for their upcoming issue "Pedagogies for a Broken World".

Pedagogies for a Broken World aims to provide a platform for examining architectural education in the context of a broken world. What is architecture in that context and where and how do we teach it? How must the social and legal contracts change to adjust and fix architectural pedagogy for the broken world? What might constitute a broken-world pedagogy, both now and historically? How can architecture be engaged in the pedagogies of resistance, care, and repair? Pedagogies for a Broken World aims to demonstrate that these questions and practices are not only relevant socially, but also spatially, and to promote novel forms of scholarship and collaboration. Vital changes are already underway—some formal, situated at universities and involving reshaping curricula and handbooks alike, while others occur outside of the domain of the university, establishing new connections and new spaces in which co-learning, co-authoring, and co-liberating take place. This issue of JAE aims to capture these initiatives as well as imagine new ones, inviting a wholesale reimagination of architectural education and its priorities.

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