Student Voice in Assessment and Learning: A Primer

NEean (New England Education Assessment Network) are hosting an information program which will explore the incorporation of student voice in assessments and the implementation of strategies for equitable, accessible, and authentic learning.

The program includes a keynote speech by Dr. Natasha Jankowski, a higher education and assessment expert, who will address the importance and methodology of involving student voice in the assessment process. Following the keynote, attendees will participate in two workshops where they will develop an action plan to include student voice in the assessment cycle, across the institution, and within the classroom. The second workshop will focus on a particular case, the Student Assessment Research (StARs) program at UC Davis, where attendees will reflect on practices and share insights.

The program will conclude with a panel discussion featuring students sharing their views on the utilization of student voice in the assessment process.

To register for the program and find more information, please visit this link.

If you require advice or suggestions about how student voice can inform assessment design in Built Environments education, please contact BEL+T @ BEL+T has developed several useful resources related to assessment and feedback design processes that can be accessed here.

The event will be held on March 31, 2023 from 10AM to 4PM Eastern US time (12am-6am AEST).