Call for Abstracts: Design Education Online Conference

A new conference "Design Education Online" will be held 1-3 September 2022. In their call for papers, the organisers write:

"How can design be taught effectively in a virtual environment? Does the virtualization of design education help the society it serves? Is the higher education market heading towards an educational revolution? How can we humanize the virtual experience? Is e-learning going to be the future? If so, how does design facilitate aesthetics and pragmatism in approaching an increasingly virtual environment?

These are some of the questions that compounded educators worldwide when the COVID-19 pandemic brought upon these new normals to the pedagogical world. Through EDDE 2022, we aim to bring together design academics, researchers, adjunct instructors, policymakers, administrators, practitioners, and design students at the post-secondary level who have been involved in online teaching and learning to share their experiences".

The conference theme is "Connected: The Virtual Design Classroom". Abstracts are due by the 15th of December 2021.

More information can be found here.