ABP Teaching Community page for new and continuing sessional staff

Semester 2 induction sessions have now concluded, but you can still access the three learning experiences and related resources available via the ABP Teaching community site.

Thanks to all of the new and continuing sessional staff who attended the online Sessional Induction and Teaching Online workshops this past two weeks. If you missed these sessions, we encourage you to access the three learning experiences and related resources still available via the ABP Teaching community site.

  1. Click here to register for the ABP Teaching Community.
  2. Once you have registered, you will be able to log into your Canvas to access the community resources.

On the Teaching Community, you can access:

  • Introduction to ABP (New Staff): 30-minute introductions to key ABP teams, with important advice to help new staff get set up.
  • ABP Teaching Fundamentals (New Staff): A 60-minute workshop about some key issues for today's teachers
  • ABP Teaching Online (All Staff): A 60-minute workshop covering online teaching to prepare for the upcoming semester.

The workshops will be available again next semester – keep an eye on the BEL+T website close to the start of Semester 1, 2021 for more details. The ABP Teaching community site will remain active throughout the semester.

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