Celebrating ABP Great Moves ... April winner!

The April recipient of the “Celebrating Great ABP Moves Online” award is … Nano Langenheim!

Nano has contributed a terrific range of resources to the Celebrating Great ABP Moves Online page … see some of these here. Her videos share her experiences when preparing a digital setup at home, her use of software to support teaching in an online environment, approaches to transitioning workshops to an online model, and more.  A prize is on the way Nano!

You will find ABP colleagues’ inspirational approaches, including Nano’s contributions, on theCelebrating Great ABP Moves Online page.  Please do share your own approaches and successes too.

Many thanks to all who have shared their experiences and approaches so far – we are looking forward to finding more contributions to recognise at the end of May.

If you would like to share a video, guide, or other resource you've developed that outlines a great approach to moving online, you will find full details at the Celebrating Great ABP Moves Online page.