Floor Talk: The Studio of Iwan Iwanoff with Warren Andersen

Dulux Gallery, Ground Floor, Glyn Davis Building, University of Melbourne, Parkville Campus

  • Floor Talk

This floor talk is a comprehensive review of the art and architecture of architect Iwan Iwanoff in Western Australia, featuring works from 1950 to 1986 demonstrating the evolution and characteristics of Iwan’s design approach, and to place his architectural approach into context in Australia and internationally. It examines the design legacy and influence through recollections of his sons, Michael and Nicolai Iwanoff, and professional architects, artists, contractors, and landowners who collaborated in his creative process. The presentation features contemporary photography by Nash Bojic and Peter Bennetts, and rare unpublished images by Ronald Armstrong, Alexander Risco, and Fritz Kos.

Speaker Bio

Presented by Warren Andersen. Warren is an urban planning and business management consultant with over 40 years experience in public and private sector. As a heritage advocate, he initiated the national listing and restoration of the 1906 WA Rowing Club building, and listing of Timber Town of Jarrahdale. In 2021, he secured inclusion into the municipal inventory of the City of Fremantle of the 1968 Martin Clark recording studio building designed by Iwan Iwanoff.

Exhibition open: Monday to Friday, 10:00am-4:00pm


Live music in the gallery: International Karate

Hear Melbourne post-rock legends International Karate.
Date: Wednesday, 29 March 2023Time: 6pmVenue: Dulux Gallery


An ongoing visual repository will be showcased on the Australian Centre of Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) website throughout 2023 - click here for more information.


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