Broadmeadows Exhibition: March 2010

Exhibiting the first stage of the Broadmeadows Visions to local council and the 2010 design students.

This first Broadmeadows 2032 exhibition showcased the recent Design Event outcomes. The work in this exhibition set the trajectories for a suite of design studios at Melbourne University, RMIT, Monash University and Swinburne University that have developed these ideas. Visions of a transformed future [2032] can build desirable, optimistic expectations, but sites and forms of intervention have to be found, today, that can shift the dynamics that have shaped past development and release new community energy for change.  VEIL has identified a number of key potential Eco-Acupuncture points within the Broadmeadows/CAD precinct. From these points we are exploring and visualising a series of distributed and connected experimental visions for the future development of the region. The ideas and territories explored by the workshop in this exhibition will be developed in the university design studios and carried forward by Hume City Council as they engage with the emerging Structure Plan.

Exhibition Design
Dianne Moy, Michael Trudgeon

Exhibition Assistants
Kate Archdeacon, Nynke Feenstra

Many thanks to the staff at the Hume Global Learning Centre.