The Future of Food

Melbourne School of Design
Japanese Room, 4th Floor
University of Melbourne
Parkville Campus, VIC

  • Lunchtime Seminar Series

Australia’s food system needs a radical overhaul. Drawing on their experience with the Open Food Network, Kirsten Larsen and Serenity Hill will explain the emerging phenomena of food hubs, and argue why peer-to-peer and other distributed food systems should be embraced.

About the speakers

Kirsten is a founding Director of Eaterprises Australia, a social enterprise focused on transforming the way food is distributed and exchanged. With the Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab at the University of Melbourne, her work focuses on the technical and social innovations that bring healthy communities and ecosystems closer. 

Serenity is from a farming family in NE Victoria and is currently undertaking food systems research at the University of Melbourne’s School of Land and Environments, focused on the complex challenges facing farmers. She has experience in policy development in the Victorian State Government. Serenity is an initiating member of Transition Darebin – a community group focused on economic relocalization in response to peak oil and climate change.