Ecological Sustainability & the Ballarat Structure Plan

Ballarat in 2032: alternative energy sources, fewer private vehicles, and resilience in the face of extreme weather events.

In 2009, VEIL was part of the Consultant Study Team for “Making Ballarat Central“, the Ballarat Structure Plan. Through site visits and assimilating the VEIL team’s acquired knowledge of international best-practice, a series of suggestions was developed for submission to the Plan.

The following is an extract from the Ballarat Vision Report.

Ballarat as Victoria’s Premier Green Zone: the Rural-City model for a climate resilient community

Ballarat - The Locally Productive City


All precincts in Ballarat (exemplified by the CBA) aim to maximise production of environmentally and socially critical resources.


To be a net exporter in as many of the following areas as possible:

  • Renewable energy – diverse systems – wind, solar, geothermal, biomass
  • Water – rainwater, grey water, recycled
  • Food production – close to points of consumption
  • Community services
  • Knowledge – research, innovation, education and skills. E.g: climate adaptation solutions; low-carbon solutions; sustainable agriculture (food and bio-mass)
  • Green businesses, green services, eco-innovation (agricultural best practice and re-mining) “green zone”

Ballarat - The Low Consumption City


Living and Working Better – Consuming Less


To develop the highest quality of living and working conditions with the lowest per-capita consumption and production of waste, in as many of the following areas as possible:

  • Greenhouse gas (e.g. target: reductions of greater than 60%)
  • Electricity use (e.g through retrofitting – 40% reduction)
  • Water: (e.g. target 80 litres/person/day of reticulated potable water)
  • Transport /mobility (e.g. target greater than 30% shift from car to walking & cycling; 25% reduction in car trip distances; 40% increase in public transport use)
  • Waste reduction (e.g, in all sectors,40%)

Ballarat - The Regenerative City


Avoiding cascading breakdown effects, enabling quick bounce-back from challenges – creating a social and physical fabric that is diverse, decentralised and locally inter-connected, so that any shocks (environmental or economic) will be limited in the spread of their effects.


To approach all planning and design decisions with the intent of increasing the diversity of communities, production systems (as in 1, above) and public facilities, particularly in relation to:

  • Access to energy, water, food, transport,
  • The provision of work and residential facilities
  • Life in extreme weather conditions
  • Community engagement

Ballarat - The Inventive City


To achieve all of above through the development of innovative new solutions and approaches, building on the strong history of inventiveness and creativity in Ballarat (in agriculture and mining in particular).


Ballarat to be known nationally and internationally as supporting a culture of creative risk-taking, experimentation, and innovation in relation to climate resilience and sustainable solutions.


Ballarat Structure Plan Consultant Study Team

  • Planisphere Project Management
  • Village Well Place-Making
  • Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab (VEIL) Ecological Sustainability
  • Aspect Studios Landscape Architecture & Digital Visualisations
  • AECOM Transport Planning

VEIL Ballarat Vision Report Team

  • Lead Author: Dianne Moy
  • Secondary Authors: Prof. Chris Ryan, Kate Archdeacon
  • Site Visit & Analysis Team: Dianne Moy, Chris Ryan, Kirsten Larsen, Ferne Edwards, Che Biggs, Robert Eales, Kate Archdeacon, Devin Maetzri