Usage and Licence Information

The EPiC Database is published under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND licence. This page provides information on when a licence is required and how the database should be cited.

How am I allowed to use the EPiC Database?

The EPiC Database has been developed as an open-access, transparent resource for the construction industry. It is available free to use for informing material selection choices and environmental decision making. The database can be used to estimate embodied energy, water or greenhouse gas emissions by anyone, including where the resultant findings are provided as information to clients, or where this information is used to enhance services provided to clients. The database can also be incorporated into internal tools or processes which are used to provide information to clients, or where this information is used to enhance services provided to clients. The BY-NC-ND/4.0 Creative Commons licence covers these uses.

Further information about the Creative Commons licence is available at:

When do I need a separate licence?

If any of the data within the database is incorporated into a product distributed for commercial purposes, then a separate licence is required. For example, if a software tool or other resource is created that incorporates the database, or part thereof, and is distributed externally, then a separate licence is required. However, if the software tool or other resource is used for internal purposes only and informs decision making, design or otherwise, and is not distributed, then no separate licence is needed.

How do I request a licence?

For further information about licences, please contact

What about the EPiCdb Python Package licence?

The licence to use the EPiCdb Python Package (API) follows the same rules as for the database. This means that it is free to use for research purposes and internally within business. However, whenever the EPiCdb Python Package is built into a product distributed for commercial purposes, then a separate licence is required (see above).

Do I need to cite the EPiC Database?

Yes. Regardlesss of how the database is used it must be cited, in accordance with the Creative Commons licence. The database should be cited as follows:

Crawford, R.H., Stephan, A. and Prideaux, F. (2024) Environmental Performance in Construction (EPiC) Database, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne.