LIMINAL HOUSE, before and after, projects 2011-2016 by Alex Selenitsch

LIMINAL HOUSE, before and after, projects 2011-2016 by Alex Selenitsch
LIMINAL HOUSE, before and after, projects 2011-2016 by Alex Selenitsch

ALKF Gallery, MSD,
University of Melbourne

  • Exhibition

Alex Selenitsch’s Liminal House project makes architectural form out of dusk and dawn, that is, the magical zones between the binaries of day and night. Elaborations of this project through models and texts push this meditation into the border zones between other existential binaries such as birth/death, persona/anima, and foreigner/citizen.

The exhibition will centre on Selenitsch’s Liminal House, but will also show projects which preceded the Liminal House, and projects which have followed on from it. Among these are maps and objects from The Ideal City (2011), flotsamandjetsam (2012), Checkpoint Charlie (2014). A new project, The House of the Nuclear Family, will also be presented. The projects have all been generated through materially-based representations, through texts, drawings and models, and these working objects form the stuff of this exhibition.