Imagining Better

Time: 3:45pm - 4:30pm
Venue: Ian Potter Auditorium, Kenneth Myer Building

This keynote lecture will explore the idea of a people-centred approach to the design of cities. By considering function rather than aesthetic we can move to inclusion over exclusion, and integration over segregation.

About the speaker

Ross Coverdale

Ross Coverdale has widely researched disability housing, having travelled to nine countries and developed workshops for parents and carers. He is a determined advocate for the marginalised and currently operates a consultancy that has a range of clients across the health, community service and disability fields.

Ross commenced as a youth worker with the Salvation Army and progressed to become a General Manager. During his 17 years with the organisation he established and developed innovative programs for the homeless, refugees and mentally ill.

For three years he worked in Zimbabwe at a hospital and undertook a range of village-based community development activities. He has managed a number of award-winning partnerships including with the Bill Gates Foundation, Disney, the Royal Children’s Hospital and the University of Melbourne.

Ross was the CEO of Araluen, a highly regarded disability support provider for more than twelve years. He is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has completed studies in strategic management at the Harvard Business School.