ASCILITE Webinar - Frenemies - ChatGPT within Assessments

Image for ASCILITE Webinar - Frenemies - ChatGPT within Assessments

Generative AI is reshaping the educational landscape in profound ways. Tools such as ChatGPT are not just transforming how knowledge is disseminated, but also how it is evaluated. In higher education, this AI revolution is prompting a significant rethinking of traditional assessment methodologies. The ability of AI to simulate complex human-like interactions and generate content with remarkable proficiency is nudging academia towards innovative, more collaborative forms of learning and assessment. This shift is essential in an era where digital literacy and AI integration into daily workflows are becoming increasingly important.

In response to this, ASCILITE is hosting a series of webinars around Transforming Assessment. The latest in the series, titled "Frenemies - ChatGPT within Assessments", seeks to unravel how the integration of Generative AI in learning environments can be optimised to enhance both collaborative and individual learning paradigms. The session will introduce approaches where AI is not just a tool but an active participant in the educational process. These approaches aim to “maintain the authenticity of assessments while fostering a symbiotic relationship between students and AI, reflecting a move towards assessments that support real-world, collaborative, and individual learning outcomes'

For more information, including registration details, please click here.