Obel Award: Teaching Fellowships

Image for Obel Award: Teaching Fellowships

The Henrik Frode Obel Foundation has announced the Obel Award teaching fellowship initiative for 2024. The fellowships of up to €75,000 support teaching collaborations between universities and built environment practitioners, with three fellowships including one in Australia to be awarded. With the aim “bring the professional and academic realms closer together by supporting professionals to teach in an academic setting.” The Obel Award supports the development of teaching practice and knowledge transfer by publishing the curriculum of courses  as a resource.

The award supports the development of specific pedagogies or the design of new courses that respond to the themes. For 2024 the themes are “Seminal solutions to the challenges facing cities”, or “Adaptation as related to coastal resilience”.

Applications are to be submitted jointly between practitioners with at least 5 years' experience together with an academic discipline host for teaching commencing in 2025.

The stated goals of the fellowship relevant to ABP and BEL+T are:

  • To assist academic institutions in creating relevant and impactful content and pedagogies.
  • To provide opportunities for academic institutions to explore new themes and include new voices on their faculty.
  • To bring the professional and academic realms closer together through collaboration and the Fellowships.
  • To provide an opportunity for professionals with at least five years’ experience to take time off from regular duties to teach and share their knowledge through course(s) they have developed.

Applications can be submitted here