Changes to subject conclusions in the LMS

In response to ongoing issues with subject conclusions, particularly around managing assessments for students with special consideration, changes have been made in the integration between StudentOne and the LMS.

The following changes will impact both students and educators, as outlined below:

Changes for Students:

In the past, students were granted full read-and-write access to their subjects' Canvas sites for a specific duration after the teaching period. While this worked in most cases, it caused complications when students required access beyond that fixed period due to extensions, special consideration, or special exams.

From Semester 1, 2023, going forwards, Canvas access will be updated for each student in each subject based on their official results.

  • Students with interim results—with WXT, WAF, or S grades—in a given subject will retain full access to that subject’s Canvas site.  They’ll still have read-and-write access.  They’ll still receive Announcements posted to that site.  And their marks and feedback will still be amendable via the Gradebook on that site.
  • Once students’ final results—with N, P, H2B, H2A, or H1 grades—have been certified* in a given subject, those students access to that subject’s Canvas site will be concluded.  They’ll be able to access that subject’s Canvas site in read-only mode only.  They won’t receive any further Announcements posted to that site.  And their marks and feedback will not be amendable via the Gradebook on that site.  (*Results certification generally happens shortly after subjects’ results have been approved through the Board of Examiners Results Review.)
  • Students who receive special consideration or extension approval in a given subject after their results have been finalised can be shifted back to an interim result—and doing so will restore their full access to that subject’s Canvas site.

Changes for Educators:

For educators, Grades and feedback need to be entered into the LMS before final grades are entered into StudentOne as, once student enrolments are concluded, you won’t be able to do so.

Furthermore, once a student's enrollment for a subject is concluded, their results will not appear by default in the Canvas Gradebook. To view students' results in the Canvas Gradebook after their final grades have been certified, you can adjust the filter on the "Student Name" column. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Grades tab on your concluded Canvas site.
  2. Click on the three dots located to the right of "Student Name".
  3. Scroll down and select "Show Concluded Enrollments".

For further information, please see Learning Environments’ LMS integration: Changes to subject conclusions in the LMS.