Infographics Studio

Coordinators: John Warwicker, Anna Hoyle and Ella Egidy


Infographics Studio GDES30001 introduces students to infographics through basic analogue techniques, high resolution digital technologies and current software programs, with a particular emphasis on the needs of graphic designers today. The subject comprises lectures and studio work exploring how complex information (data) can be transformed into elegant, simple and inventive graphic solutions.

Students explore work by artists and art movements significant to historical and contemporary visualisation. They also investigate print, animated infographics and navigational/signage systems (including architectural/environmental signage), exploring ways to make the potentially arid stimulating, dynamic and persuasive.

Infographics GDES30001 banner image: Aisling McComiskey, 2020 Melbourne Olympic pictogrammes.

Jessamie Holmes: Animation

Graphic Design 2020_winter