Xuanly Ng

“Imagine this: Being able to go to work with your parents. Instead of saying goodbye to them at home, we say goodbye to them after you exit the elevator, or after lunch in the communal kitchen -all in one workplace.” IN-BETWEEN is an office building situated in Cremorne that includes the idea of engaging different generations of people. A workplace that is ageless. Anticipating that retirement will be much later in 2030, the future workplace allows “returnment,” seeing that older generations are more energized to continue to work until a later age because they want to, rather than have to. The design approach is to create a workplace that promotes social exchange, blurring the lines that is associated with a multi-generation. This office proposes a second layer of skin with operable panels that creates a seamless transition between the external and internal zones of the office. This offers a variety of microclimates which in turn, creates a gradient of comfort zones that is suited for a multi-generation. The office is also designed as a cultural connector for people to catch up, entertain or even cook within a multi-generation of different professions.