Yashi Lin

Jubilation of Aging

Usually when people getting 65, they retired and the feeling of getting older will become obvious. there are many prejudice overestimating the negative aspects of aging, such as poor health, financial concerns, loneliness or dependency. However, aging is a natural process of losing, adapting and growing. Babyboomers may loss their physical energy, but their spirit and mind are never getting old.

In spanish, the word of retirement is JUBILACION, which also have a meaning of celebration. It means that people already paid their tax and contributed to the sociaty. It is time to live their own life.

The house will focus on designing a place to keep their positive values & to share experience to community and celebrate their new stage of life.

As for babyboomers, the most valuable treasure for them could be the memories of their young life. They may keep their memories in a old music box, a Faded photo, even a scrip from their first love.

By creating a sense of positive living & sharing, the site would have 4 groups of older family live here. They share the similar hobbies, having funs and talking about their young life together, collecting precious stuffs and willing to display them and telling the stories behind their collections to community.