
Lingas Tran, Nan Li and Grant Li

Tokyo geographically is made up of plateaus, hills and mountains. Along its eastern border runs the Edo River, the Arakawa River and Sumida River downtown divides Tokyo from Chiba Prefecture, to the south of Tokyo the Sakai River and the lower stream of the Tama River separates Tokyo from Kanagawa Prefecture with many of its tributaries running through Tokyo.

Tokyo was once a city of water, and it was an integral part of the city. Life was orientated around the water systems of canals and rivers - it connected people to their place and environment. The disappearance of the waterways began during the Showa-Era and the Second World War when ‘rubble of the bombed buildings was used to fill in small waters in the city’.

The proposition for this design is to relieve Tokyo from the pressure of urban sprawl, and regain and preserve its existing rivers and environs. It attempts to reconnect the relationship of water to its community and city.

Tokyo: Volumetric City - Plan