Jesslyn Humardani

The competitive neoliberal Australian labour market has led to the inability for numerous workers to obtain or secure full-time employment. The recent economic shift from product to service sector has resulted in the decline of full-time employment, thus resulting in the rise of precarious employment, especially with the young adults. The insecurity that comes with income instability is often faced by the autonomous workers due to the uncertain working hours and rates. This job insecurity, inevitably reinforces their housing insecurity. In turn, the lack of stable housing also leads to the increased difficulty to engage in paid work, creating a vision cycle.

Hence, with the opportunity presented by the Collingwood Townhall Precinct, this thesis proposes a new masterplan design and a cooperative scheme that responds to the precarious living conditions of freelance and casualised workforce (young to early adult) by rethinking the Australian sharehouses.

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01 Final Render: Entrance to Residential Square from North of Precinct

02 Final Axo. The Hub:The heart of the precinct is The Hub. A centre which houses the management team for the cooperative. It is also a meeting point for cooperative members, where they can train, hold lecture or upskilling events, and/or work.

03 Focus Area. Residential Square: The focus area for further research of this thesis is the Residential Square. The living areas in the precinct includes three different housing typologies: cluster apartment, standard apartment, and sharehouses, with a communal hall in the centre. However, for the demographic focused in this thesis, further research focuses specifically on the spatial and interior design of the sharehouses.

04 Focus Area Ground Plan: Ground Plan of Residential Square

05 Render 2: Communal hall & share house relationship

06 Render 3: Inside multi-function communal hall

07 Building Axo: Sharehouse Axonometric Explode