Part 2: Living Neighbourhood

Densify + Intensify

In the second stage of the semester, students were required to refine and implement their design framework for the MacArthur Place Precinct in densifying and intensifying the three properties, 2, 4, 6-10 MacArthur Place North, turning them into an integrated Living Neighbourhood.

Students were asked to densify and intensify the three neighbouring property plots and develop conceptual massing strategies for the site. Careful consideration of how to add I to 2 dwelling units into each plot was required. In intensifying the three plots, they were to design shared amenities, productive outdoor green spaces, a better integration between building and landscape, ecological enhancement strategies, and activation of laneway interface. The original single occupancy residential dwelling was to be transformed into an interconnected 1-3-storey dual (or triple) occupancy (courtyard compound/townhouse/duplex typology); Dwelling size, massing, composition, site plan and dwelling configuration were critical in the development of the three plots.