Jack Halls

The Terminus of Evaporation: Depository for the Decidedly Departed

Sure steel splits and splinter these specific species,
While watery whispers witness wanton wonder.
The constant cacophony of compounding clicks and clinks,
clunks and clonks collectively campaign for consideration.
Here float forgiven faces found.

A crisis of disappearance is visited upon thousands of Japanese families each year. Angst fueled individuals, riddled with everything from shame and guilt, to boredom and dissatisfaction vaporise themselves out of their commitments, their networks, their lives.

prospect of floating these intentions with those nearest to them is for many too much to bare. Instead, they, commonly known as Johatsu, or the ‘Decidedly Departed’ move on to new faces, new scenes and new selves; leaving only a vacuum wanting for despair.

As a means of mediating this phenomena, The Terminus of Evaporation embodies a new process championed by a creative community working to reimagine the traditional practices of Noh Mask making. By using the expressive carving process to generate an open archive, the terminus acts as an apparatus of transition, a trajectory towards closure for both the ‘Decidedly Departed’ and ‘Those Left Longing.’