Rachel Deeb and Yasmin Rousset

With global sea levels rising by 3.6 millimeters annually, the ocean is predicted to increase by a minimum of 1 meter every eighty years. In 100 years due to sea water levels constantly rising, humanity faces the displacement of over 150 million people. With such eminent and uninhabitable consequence so close at hand, SID (Safety In case of Disaster) Cities aims at producing a solution to this inevitable future through architectural design.

Through trial and error of previous design submissions, exploring the dynamics of both efficient and haphazard layouts, the SID Cities looks to combine the greatest elements of both to produce an effective circular city. SID Cities have the potential to duplicate across the world creating a grid of travel and trade, each with its own unique characteristics that define a city. Focusing on the replacement of the city of Melbourne, the SID City structures divides its functions into five villages – knowledge, health, entertainment, industrial and political – each of which is crucial for liveability. SID Cities encompasses “disconnect” as our strategy which is to be applied to the building at both a macro and micro level. This is achieved through our second strategy “float”, taking advantage of the earth’s new terrain

Rachel Deeb
View journal (on issuu)
Yasmin Rousset
View journal (on issuu)