Alice Woods

(Nothing But) Flowers aims to explore and utilise the tension between awe and ownership over landscape which is present on the ex-industrial site. The architecture has been generated from a series of diagrams derived from human gesture - specifically dance, which act as mediators between the built form and the site topography. Through this process, the rugged, damaged landscape is blended into the form of the buildings, as is the sense of renewal.

These elements are then translated across the site as programmatic typologies derived from 'The Garden of Earthly Delights' a medieval triptych painting in which Eden, Earth and the Underworld are integrated into a single comprehensive scene. The festival site or Earthly plan is the most active part of the site, housing the festival grounds. It is bordered by two parklands which fall under each of the remaining typologies - The Gadda Da Vidda, or rehabilitation zone being Eden, and the Arts Park, which is nestled amongst the most damaged part of the site being the 'hellscape' type environment. Each part of the overall site flows into the next, serving as a single architectural narrative which encompasses this entire journey and illustrates the relationship between beginnings and endings that is ingrained in the fabric of the landscape it occupies.

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