Gabrielle Miegeville-Little

Together with Liam Maddern-Wellington and Zarli Skinner we propose the replenishment of ‘The Field’, a pastoral site in regional Victoria, through an agenda of gradual biological replenishment. A post - colonial utopia will emerge where ecological and cultural wellbeing are thriving, enabled by their close intertwinement.

My design of The Edge Terra Seedbank supports this vision by integrating programs of research, education and biodiversity management within an envelope rising gently - both physically and metaphorically - from the agrarian Victorian landscape. The built volume representing these co-dependent programs is designed to deteriorate gracefully while carrying out the central purpose of regenerating the quantifiable and qualitative wellbeing of its environment. Through its facilitation of various cultural, scientific and spiritual practices it will contribute to the emergence of a post-colonial future, a future bound for fruition as the Dja Dja Wurrung forge a new path for land which was always theirs.

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