Liam Maddern-Wellington

This project seeks to create a social shift from the individual 'ownership of' to a communal 'responsibility for' land, where a community of users are custodians rather than entitled owners.  Country is given a greater priority as are all of its non-human users, both flora and fauna, with the ultimate goal of the project being to reintroduce and cultivate indigenous pre-colonial ecologies within and around the field. Furthermore the structures aim to create minimal disturbance and obstruction to natural ecological processes and where possible use materials grown, harvested and composted on site.

Designed to collaborate with the seedbank and pavilions proposed by Gaby Miegeville-Little and Zarli Skinner, I propose a series of shelters and co-living arrangements for the people inhabiting 'the field' and managing this healing of Country. These systems of living aim to challenge traditionally western-colonial understandings of comfort, ownership and space and will grow and adapt with the transient population of workers on site.

360 degree Video
View final booklet (on issuu)
View design journal (on issuu)