Flin Judd

Design Statement

The intent of my project is to create a balanced multi-unit dwelling experience within Preston that promotes the key values of community, flexibility, and resident agency.

The project caters to a diverse base of residents and consists of three distinct building typologies. Each typology accommodates a different mode of residential occupancy: the low-rise, ownership-only ‘Family House’ model for families and elderly citizens, the rental-based shared-living ‘Community House’ model and the apartment-style ‘Private House’ model for rent and ownership, aimed at singles and couples.

The overarching form of the project is designed to promote a strong sense of community throughout the site, whether that be in the shared occupancy of interstitial terrace/circulatory spaces that link neighbouring buildings, the use of communal facilities and commercial spaces at ground level or amidst the community rooftop garden areas.

In addition, the project aims to provide residents with a robust degree of agency over the internal spatial arrangements of their homes. This flexibility is facilitated by an interplay of hard and soft architectural systems that generate a series of adaptable spatial conditions in which residents can largely dictate the size, program, levels of privacy and location of rooms within their dwellings.