I-Tan Chen

Design Manifesto

To find the identity of co-housing for the next generation, “respect the value of Past, define the position of Present and build the footing of Future” will be promoted by adopting the circulation-based design, which provides various” journey” representing different built fabrics in different periods.

Then, “Mobius Strip” with continuous and infinite connectivity can strengthen the idea of circulation-based design, encourage social interaction in the community and reinforce the journey's intention.

Moreover, the idea of Oxymoron can cooperate with Mobius Strip, which can express the identity of co-housing literally and phenomenally by collaborating the materiality for the structural logic and sociality for the community.

According to the notions above, “Autonomy and Engagement” will be addressed architecturally and socially, allowing different grids and groups to interact through their apparent position.

To enclose the design statement, “Content and Form”, following the visual similitude of Mobius Strip and Oxymoron through the volumetric and phenomenal transformations would challenge “How architecture relates to the optical dominance from past to future and How it affects the way we live and think about the Co-Housing” in our time.