Low Su Myn

This project enlightens the audience to a metaphoric approach of the play: Hekabe. A large part of the play aligns with the emotions felt by Hekabe. Therefore, the main concept is the seven stages of grief. The seven stages are: Shock, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Testing and Acceptance. All of which are felt at a certain point in the play. To depict this, red thread is used to symbolise each grief phase (6 threads tied to each white box). As a phase of grief is felt, a thread is cut. The final stage of grief is represented through change of costume colour rather than a cut thread. Hekabe wears black representing her grief throughout the play and changes to red, seeking revenge.

As the site proposed was flexible, the longer end was used to create an endless void. Death within the play is continuous and the project seeks to highlight this. To make this more pronounced, furniture pieces were left white (apart from the red thread box in the centre). The minimalist colour choices are a bold approach to showcase a visual representation of what someone who continues to lose feels and how it tests the individuals’ capacity to cope.