Haoyu Chen

There are always two conflictive aspects of architecture, the ideal part, which is the surfaces, finishing and the appearance of a building; and the reality part, which is the service systems, power cables and hvac systems. This conflict is a conflict between ordered forms and the disorder. The term “entropy” is a scientific invention to describe the “chaoticness” of forms, especially for energy forms. When coal is burnt and became the movement of fans, light from the lamps, ordered forms has been transferred to disordered forms, and entropy is within.

The Intention of this project is to reverse, or at least retain the amount of entropy, or chaoticness produced in the building. Through both its form, and its sources of energy.  I decided to choose heat recovery and biomass, which are two of the highly disordered forms of energy. Normally, to make a room with nice finishes, materials with high “madeness” is required, which describes those materials that fight off nature’s wear to be more useful for humans. However, madeness should not only be achieved using industrial materials that consumes energy and generates entropy, but the maintenance of architectural elements. And The form of my building is designed for maintenance. The mycelium bricks that are made in the “system” are used to keep changing and replacing the walls of the office. The offices are growing on the sides of the system.

