Cherry Cheuk Yee Lai

The design of Darebin Parklands aims to facilitate the needs of the community further and enhance the biodiversity protection of the park. The central part of the parklands has converted into an activity space for different users of the com­munity. Based on the increasing population, I proposed adding more amenities. Socialising is important for dogs. The fenced dog park gives enough space and freedom for the dog to stay in the parklands without polluting the site. Visitors and family can enjoy their time at the waterfront lawn near Duck Pond and gath­er at the picnics and BBQ area.

Apart from the human aspect, the northern and southern of the parklands are plan to have more vegetation to enhance the biodiversity. Rain gardens are lo­cated near the edges of the street. Rainwater is collected by them and goes into the pond after a series of biofiltration. These applications will help to increase the freshwater amount in the leachate system and dilute the ammonia in the treat­ment.

Last but not least, the trail and edges along Darebin Creek are improved to avoid pollution and erosion. The elevated deck is provided aside from the creek as a resting space. Live stalking and also Wire Net System are applied to prevent ero­sion and incidents during flooding.