
Zhiwei Cao, Meg Davies, Adam Kleiner

Changing Tracks

This design takes the northern edge of Southern Cross Station, a major causeway connecting the city center, Docklands and train platforms, and focuses on moments of rest and their degrees of intimacy in the space along with their comfort and sustainability. The degrees of imposed and elected intimacy fluctuate throughout the day. Changing tracks thus has generated design interventions that vary from rush hour to midday opening up and enhancing more opportunities for elected degrees of intimacy as well as making space for crowd density.

The design offers a range of seating options to provide a more comfortable and inviting space to rest. A palette of native plantings also cover the site to provide relief from sun, wind and rain, and bring a park-like atmosphere to the site.

The design takes a sustainable approach through adaptively re-using including pallet wood, bicycle wheels and old train track rails; a gesture to the train station and the train lines that operate beneath the site.

Moving bench prototype process: Webster Cao