Visit to Hume

A recent visit to Broadmeadows to interview representatives from Hume City Council proved to be an exciting adventure.

The group interview with those representatives most engaged with EcoAcupuncture during 2009-2010 revealed some great insights about the program. It seemed the EcoAcupuncture gave the internal processes and dynamics of Hume a good ‘shake up’ and traditional modes of working were replaced by innovative collaboration.

The Hume City council members were delighted by the community networks, partnerships and rich discoveries the Melbourne University students made when they scoped out the site on the look out for innovative intervention points. Their enticing visualisations of alternative desirable futures engaged the cross-cultural community with unprecedented success.

Since EcoAcupuncture was run through Hume City Council, many of the design concept visualisations have left their mark on Hume’s development. Bike paths, community gardens and bicycle repair workshops are some of the exciting additions that gained momentum when incubated within the EcoAcupuncture workshops.