Rapid Sky-View Factor Modelling using Global Illumination

This project aims to respond to the growing issue of heat retention in dense urban centres – urban heat island effect (UHI) and the associated heat related morbidity, by developing a new analysis model.

The project involves developing and testing a new three-dimensional analysis technique to assess potential UHI effects through improving an established method of UHI prediction sky view factor (SVF) (amount of sky visible from a given point at street level). A rapid SVF analysis technique in a digital modelling environment will be created that allows iterative design decision making informed by UHI and SVF impacts on an urban design scale.

The new technique will have the significant benefit of giving real-time three-dimensional analysis, allowing SVF analysis of complex urban scenarios enabling urban designers to have a greater understanding of existing city forms and identifying potential UHI problem areas; improved decision making as well as community engagement and design advocacy; potentially have an impact on city’s temperature – reducing cooling energy load costs, but more importantly, potentially reducing heat related mortality.

Project details

Major Sponsor

University of Melbourne


Dr Marcus White