Ali McFadyen

Doctor of Philosophy candidate


Ali McFadyen
Ali McFadyen


With a career spanning over 14 years in architecture consultancy, research and advisory, Ali has worked in multiple architectural practices in South Australia and a project management firm in a national role.

Ali is currently a Director and Secretary for Parlour Inc, a research-based advocacy organisation working to improve diversity in architecture and the built environment. Her main involvement includes running the Seasonal Salons Program nationally, coordinating the Parlour POD Program, and assisting with the Parlour LAB Series. She is also working on the updates to the Guides to Equitable Practice and the Parlour Wellbeing Guides.

Ali has been a sessional Studio Educator since 2010, tutoring in under-grad and master design studios at University.


Women’s career advancement in the Australian architecture profession

The purpose of this research is to investigate women’s career advancement in the Australian architectural profession. Women’s participation rates in Australian architecture have increased, yet they are leaving the profession at a greater rate than their male counterparts, and their representation in managerial levels remains low.

There have been numerous gender equity policies and legislation introduced in Australia over the last decade, which one would expect to have had a positive influence on the architecture profession overall, including women’s career advancement. The result of these policies and legislation, and the recent impacts of the global COVID pandemic is currently unknown. Consequently, this research argues there is a need to understand whether the practices that acted against women’s career progression and that bolstered men’s career advancement remain ten years on.


Principal supervisor


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