ABP Great Feedback Convos

A Faculty-wide event highlighting innovative teaching practices that promote student feedback literacy.

In October 2022, BEL+T hosted ABP Great Feedback Convos, an event that focused on student feedback literacy and teaching practices that support this development. This interactive session centred around unpacking student feedback literacy and examining how it is supported in the faculty at a subject level by Subject Coordinators and in the classroom by experienced Sessional Staff.

Discussion Themes

The session examined feedback literacy through the following themes:

1. ESS Tactics​

  • What have students identified as qualities of “useful feedback” (via the ESS)? ​
  • How have subject coordinators addressed these challenges in the design of subjects?​​

2. Feedback Literacy​

  • What are the roles of assessment and feedback for learning?​
  • How does ‘feedback literacy’ enable students to be active learners? ​
  • How can we consider our own feedback practices through this approach?​

3. Feedback Literacy in Practice​

  • What are some feedback practices by excellent sessional colleagues that support the development of students’ feedback literacy?​​

4. Walking the Walk​

  • Could your feedback examples be usefully rephrased with a focus on student feedback literacy?​

Video Recordings

The following recording shows Subject Coordinators sharing their strategies and approaches for delivering quality feedback in their subjects.


Below, award-winning sessional colleagues share their own experiences and strategies for supporting the development of students' feedback literacy.


The accompanying worksheet for the session can be found here.