Dennis Prior

Award for Excellence in Teaching (Student Choice)

This award is open to all teaching staff and is voted on by students.  It is awarded to Dennis Prior.  The citation below is drawn directly from comments provided by students.

Seeing Dennis running a practice and delivering projects really inspires me and makes me believe that I can achieve things in architecture. He manages subject organisation and content faultlessly, and is amazingly clear and articulate in his communications, especially through CANVAS … I never have any doubts with his subject.

The brief for the studio is related to current projects happening in Melbourne. Dennis also provides lectures and resources about architecture that are coming onto the scene now.

In his teaching approach, Dennis encourages studio culture and helps us to gain feedback from our peers. Dennis goes above and beyond to assist students with special needs and considerations. He listens to students and takes their advice on board, with humility and honesty. Thank you Dennis.”

Congratulations Dennis!