Mike Lam

Recovering Lost Steps: Bridges to Balance and Prosthetics

“Two mountains can never meet but perhaps you and I can meet again. I am coming to your waterfall”

-Edwidge Danticat, The Farming of Bones-

Balance; Mobility; Prosthesis: Is the triadic narrative for our community and form. Revolving around a former tightrope walker and a craftsman, Recovering Lost Steps provides experiential, exhibitive and rehabilitative spaces and programs for both the able and the mobility impaired.

Fractured, open transitional spaces connect the decks to the ground floor and interject -shearing- amidst a set of stacked gridded systems, supported by blades of shear walls which extrude and peer into cantilevers which then morph into enclosed prosthesis fitting areas and crafting workshops. Structures and materiality serve beyond the provision of formal construct, rather, they form a framework or mould which influences the way we transgress, move, and interact. Ultimately, the proposal is a form as an apparatus for movement.