Han Wu

Museum of Electronic Waste

What will happen to future cities if we take commodities such as garbage collection and recycling for granted? Movies like Wall-E makes me wonder if that alternative reality portrayed in the film is actually turning into our own reality. With some research, I found out that one of the fastest growing stream of waste that causes these excessive waste we produce is actually e-waste and Australia is ranked one of the highest disposers of that e-waste, contributing to ranking 4th in the whole world.

Growing up in a third world country, I’ve personally witnessed the direct impact of improper disposal of waste. Most if not all of the less fortunate people in my country lives in poverty and mostly on these waste dump sites. Knowing these negative impacts, it prompt and inspired me to design a museum project that can create social awareness on the dark side of e-waste by educating the visitors through a narrated spatial journey and allowing them to physically experience the real impact of e-waste in the world.

Han Wu: Museum of Electronic Waste
Bren-Da Tan journal cover
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