Ella McDermott

Sea Acres National Park.

This sound design concept merges the sound of whale song with a rainforest walk near Port Macquarie. The mysterious ocean depths are mirrored in the layers and depths of the forest environment, from canopy to forest floor.

In response to the stimulus, the sound proposal attempts to create an invigorating experience for visitors that is both engaging and educational.
While Zone 1 and 2 are created to enhance the experience of the relaxing forest and create feelings of wonder and awe, the concepts for Zones 3-6 aim to complexify the scene, aiming to make audiences feel displaced into a new point of view, whether that be small and intimidated-the suggested POV of endangered species accessible to predators down on the forest floor- or elated and powerful as visitors ascend into the canopy where they are safe and “On Top of the World.” Each sound concept aims to correlate with the environment of the zone including pre-existing forest sounds, the avg temperature and the differing lighting between the forest layers. The context of the forest and the other Sea Acres attractions has been considered, including whale watching, yoga, volunteering, conservation practices, accessibility and the important acknowledgment of the presence of the local indigenous people. These factors have been included through the incorporation of Dream Time stories and audio accompaniment to signage as well as the humpback whale songs. Through creating an engaging and memorable experience of shifting, dynamic, complex atmospheres, the sound proposal aims to highlight the beauty of the forest to visitors therefore communicating the importance of preserving and protecting such a beautiful space that is under imminent threat.

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