Jacob Komarzynski

Ar(ch) Povera: Rossi’s Rauchstrasse & the White Wall

Exploring the implied role of the contemporary museum, Jacob Komarzynski’s intervention looks to break down the hegemony of the white wall and establish alternate readings of the museum.

As a series of interventions, the spatial arrangement has been configured as bare stud framing. The linearity of the introduced elements, I would argue, emphasise the smoothness and the curvature of the MAXXI. Whilst the once fluid and open plan limits the understanding of the relationship between the interaction of the individual and the spatial form, this interruption of space and the new spaces in which are derived from this forces the individual to follow the lines of the MAXXI more closely, producing a heightened cognition in the experience of the museum.

Through this conceptual investigation of Aldo Rossi, where Rossi’s formality is not immediately identifiable or apparent, his attitude towards the city is explored and extracted. These conflicting fragments of multiple dimensions and axes create an assemblage of architecture, much like the Roman context in which the MAXXI sits within. Layers of architecture build upon the existing, whilst they intertwine, embed and sometimes also interrupt those pre-existing historical conditions.

-Review (excerpt) by Erin Campbell