Feng Yang

The design for QVM proposes a public open space that addresses the inevitable urban intensification.

The Melbourne CBD has been planned to be a high-density area with apartments, offices and shopping malls. The issue is that with relatively few outdoor parks, the CBD is considered as not suitable to raise children due to the high density. Thus, many families move to the suburbs once they have a child and travel back and forth to the CBD to work. This isn’t an environmentally friendly nor convenient living style. Also, urban intensification is only going to expand into suburbs, therefore we need to face the issue instead of avoiding it.

Considering the fast pace of life in the CBD, the redesign of QVM focuses on blending children’s early education and playing into adults’ daily routine to provide children with a sense of belonging in the site. To achieve this, the QVM Market Cross is transformed into an efficient circulation path, social, relaxing hub that also satisfies children’s nature of playing and discovering. The design focuses on opportunities to create a family-friendly area, community shared zone, nature attractions and playful facilities with other primary functions. In this way, QVM becomes a space that adults feel relaxed to bring children along, and the children can build up a sense of belonging in such a place that carefully consider their needs and value their contributions.