Wanran Jiang

Design Concept: Cross-Generational MEMORIES with Green Ecology

People are strangers for each other when they enter the market, however, are their routes overlap, they meet and become co-present. Even if they are not in the same time-space, the market contains their traces that links people across time and space (an object left behind, a story told...) – like the traces of history left in QVM or the memories passed on by the old generation.

The memories in the market and market itself complement each other and constitute QVM. The market is built up with memories that include the heritage – the Indigenous culture and the cross-generational memories.  Those memories accreted in the market’s objects. The design framework focuses on encouraging the generation and dissemination of memories in QVM. The project emphasizes the history of QVM, and provides a recreation area for different groups of people to encounter and/or create different memories. The design emphasizes green and low-carbon lifestyle and values.