Ekta Nathu


Ekta Nathu is currently a fifth-year Master of Architecture student at Victoria University of Wellington. Her recent research and volunteer roles with the NZIA and Architecture + Women * NZ have focused on gender equity within the discipline and academia. Her thesis follows a similar line of inquiry, seeking to understand how feminist practice in architecture might disrupt power hierarchies embedded within architectural processes and space, and how this might influence and inform identity. Her research is specifically focused on participatory design with young people within the site of high schools in New Zealand. Ekta has presented her research in various contexts and has most recently been selected to compete in the NZIA national student competition representing Victoria University of Wellington. As a current tutor, as well as member of student representative, and faculty academic committees Ekta is focused on student well being, and pursuing her research interests through all facets of her professional and academic life.

Session details

Day 2


Transformations wrap

What have we learned and what do we need to do next? A closing panel to reflect on the symposium and precipitate future work, with a selection of speakers and emerging professionals Georgia Birks and Ekta Nathu.

See all speaker profiles