Ground Foyer

Visitors, students and staff flow through the MSD building and take advantage of the space as a pathway across campus. Not only do people pass through, but they can sit or stand, meet others, take shortcuts to other parts of the campus, work or study.

Photograph of the Fabrication Lab.

Diverse Functions

Diverse functions are facilitated within all these spaces by their design. Not only do people pass through, but they can sit or stand, meet others, take shortcuts to other parts of the campus, work or study.

All spaces allow for multiple modes of learning, including group discussion.

A Living Sustainable Building Experiment

A Living Sustainable Building Experiment

LCD screens on the wall facing to the west entrance show various demands for energy and water.

These screens refer to the MSD building as a new 'living laboratory'. MSD has a monitoring and management system that optimises all systems throughout the building. Over 3000 sensors are collecting data that can be used for research and teaching. The building is a field test that will last in excess of 50 years.

Up to 750,000 litres of water can be collected from the roof and building exterior and stored in the basement. The water is used for building services such as bathrooms and for irrigation.

The building is serviced by a natural ventilation system which makes substantial use of cross-ventilation across the different types of spaces within. Air is circulated by underfloor air distribution (situated below the Atrium floor) and released via the roof. Learn more about how building services consultant Aurecon worked with MSD to achieve the building’s 6-Star Green Rating.

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